Visiting LIFE projects in Eastern Latvia 12/05/2011 11:50
LIFE+ Raised Bog team: Gunārs Balodis, Aivars Slišāns and Māra Pakalne visited two LIFE projects in East Latvia: Conservation of rare reptiles and amphibians in Latvia (LIFE09 NAT/LV/000239) and Restoration of Corncrake habitats in Dviete floodplain Natura 2000 site (LIFE09 NAT/LV/000237).
First we visited Daugavpils city. While we were packing Secrets of Mires exhibition in Daugavpils University we met rector Arvīds Barševskis and new LIFE project Eremita Meadows (LIFE09 NAT/LV/000240) team. It also is an interesting LIFE project!
Then we visited Mihails Pupins manager of LIFE project Conservation of rare reptiles and amphibians in Latvia. We visited Daugavpils ZOO where we sow many reptiles and amphibiants. Project goal is to facilitate the enlargement of Emys orbicularis, Coronella austriaca, Bombina bombina population and to ensure their long-time persistence in Latvia by combining in-situ, ex-situ methods, and legal protection improvement. We met all project animals except Coronella austriaca.
Then we went to Bebrene village and visitedLIFE project Restoration of Corncrake habitats in Dviete floodplain Natura 2000 site team. The objectives of the project are: to improve the conservation status of Corncrake Crex crex in Latvia, to restore breeding habitats for Corncrake in a degraded and abandoned section of Dviete river floodplain, to demonstrate and promote use of complex restoration methods of Corncrake habitats in degraded floodplain grasslands and to increase the participation and awareness of land-owners and local municipality on management of Dviete floodplain Natura 2000 site for the species of EU importance, in particular, the Corncrake. We agreed to establish raised bog exhibition also here.
That was a nice day!