Aim of the project is to re-establish the active raised bog habitats and site hydrology in the areas that are influenced by drainage and to protect the raised bog habitats, plants and animals of European and Latvian importance.

Management actions in Melnais Lake Mire 19/02/2012 16:20

In Melnais Lake Mire Nature Reserve management activities have been carried out to reduce the drainage effect on raised bog habitats of European importance. They included building of dams on the drainage ditches. The dams are needed to maintainthe water level in the raised bog and keep the site from desiccation. The damswere built in accordance with technical design elaborated by State Limited Liability Company "Meliorprojekts". The practical raised bog restoration work in Melnais LakeMire Nature Reserve was carried out by the sub-contractor "E Būvvadība" Ltd.

Management measures in Melnais Lake Mire Nature Reserve were discussed and agreed in the course of elaboration of the Management plan for the site. The Management plan Steering group meetings were attended by the representativesfrom interested institutions: Olaine Municipality, “Riga Forests” Olaine -Tīreļu joint Forestry, Nature Conservation Agency, State Environmental Service, "Riga forests" Ltd, "Olaines kūdra", JSC "International airport "Riga"", State Limited Liability Company "Meliorprojekts", Environmental club, Latvian Fund for Nature, Latvian University and the LIFE project "Restoration of Raised Bog Habitats in the Especially Protected Nature Areas of Latvia” employees. During the discussion the agreementwas reached about the concrete management of areas in Melnais Lake Mire Nature Reserve.

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Melnais Lake Mire Habitat Restoration



Finansed by

Raised Bogs – LIFE08 NAT/LV/000449

Project duration: 01.02.2010.- 31.08.2013.
Funding: European Commission LIFE+ programme
Beneficiary: University of Latvia
Partners: Latvian Fund for Nature, Foundation ELM MEDIA
Co-funding: Ministry of the Environment of Latvia, Ltd. Rīgas meži

Project film "Mires Uncovered"





Exhibition "Secrets of Mires" is traveling around! It is made by Ogre Photo Club.