Aim of the project is to re-establish the active raised bog habitats and site hydrology in the areas that are influenced by drainage and to protect the raised bog habitats, plants and animals of European and Latvian importance.

Information Boards in Melnais Lake Mire 14/02/2012 12:59

Melnais Lake Mire information board was set up in December 2011.


Melnais Lake Mire information board
Author: Māra Pakalne

Attached images

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Melnais Lake Mire - Information Board



Finansed by

Raised Bogs – LIFE08 NAT/LV/000449

Project duration: 01.02.2010.- 31.08.2013.
Funding: European Commission LIFE+ programme
Beneficiary: University of Latvia
Partners: Latvian Fund for Nature, Foundation ELM MEDIA
Co-funding: Ministry of the Environment of Latvia, Ltd. Rīgas meži

Project film "Mires Uncovered"





Exhibition "Secrets of Mires" is traveling around! It is made by Ogre Photo Club.