Exhibition in Ogre 05/01/2011 00:00
In LIFE+ Program Project "Restoration of Raised Bog Habitats in the Especially Protected Nature Areas of Latvia" an exhibition is prepared and will be opened in Ogre, 15 Brīvības Street on January 13th at 19:00.
The exhibition is prepared together with Ogre Photo Club (Vitauts Mihalovskis) and Mire Experts. Those who will attend the exhibition will see the values of mires and hear birds singing from the mires.
Meeting from 18:30.
19:00 Opening of the event.
19:05 Film „Story about Mires”, ELM MEDIA.
19:30 Short Introduction about LIFE+ Project „Restoration of Raised Bog Habitats in the Especially Protected Nature Areas of Latvia”. Project Manager Dr.biol. Māra Pakalne, University of Latvia.
19:40 Opening of the Exhibition „Mire Secrets".
19:00 Opening of the event.
19:05 Film „Story about Mires”, ELM MEDIA.
19:30 Short Introduction about LIFE+ Project „Restoration of Raised Bog Habitats in the Especially Protected Nature Areas of Latvia”. Project Manager Dr.biol. Māra Pakalne, University of Latvia.
19:40 Opening of the Exhibition „Mire Secrets".
The exhibition will be opened in Ogre till February 7th.