Aim of the project is to re-establish the active raised bog habitats and site hydrology in the areas that are influenced by drainage and to protect the raised bog habitats, plants and animals of European and Latvian importance.

Photo Exhibition „Secrets of Mires” in Laubere library 06/03/2013 16:41

While winter is still on the street, the spring is already arrived in Laubere library and gives an opportunity to visitors feel like in real Latvian mire. Also, you will learn more about mire habitats, plants, birds and other mire creatures. 


Photo Exhibition in Laubere library
Author: Māra Pakalne


From March 1 until April 3 the project’s Photo Exhibition “Secrets of Mires” are located in Laubere library. It was prepared by Photo Club Ogre and its art director Vitauts Mihalovskis. Bright bird sounds in the exhibition bring special feelings.


Photo Exhibition in Laubere
Author: Māra Pakalne


On April 23 at one o’clock in the library, everyone can participate in the discussion together with Project manager dr. biol. Māra Pakalne. The questions discussed will extend to mire as a nature value that is important to posterities as well.


Discussion with the Project Manager in Laubere Library


Attached images



Finansed by

Raised Bogs – LIFE08 NAT/LV/000449

Project duration: 01.02.2010.- 31.08.2013.
Funding: European Commission LIFE+ programme
Beneficiary: University of Latvia
Partners: Latvian Fund for Nature, Foundation ELM MEDIA
Co-funding: Ministry of the Environment of Latvia, Ltd. Rīgas meži

Project film "Mires Uncovered"





Exhibition "Secrets of Mires" is traveling around! It is made by Ogre Photo Club.